oMEGACat Survey

The oMEGACat survey is a Hubble Space Telescope and VLT/MUSE survey of the central regions of omega Centauri, the Milky Way's most massive cluster.

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General Motivation and Project Overview

Omega Centauri (ω Cen, NGC 5139) is the most massive globular cluster of the Milky Way and is believed to be the stripped nucleus of an accreted dwarf galaxy. This makes it a unique laboratory to study both a witness of the merger history of the Milky Way and a nearby low-mass galactic nucleus.

In the oMEGACat project, led by Nadine Neumayer (MPIA) and Anil Seth (Univ. of Utah), we aim to disentangle its dynamics and its formation history by creating the largest spectroscopic, photometric, and astrometric dataset ever assembled for a globular cluster. Our data consists of two main catalogs: An extensive MUSE effort of more than 100 individual pointings providing spectra for more than 300,000 stars and giving us metallicities and line-of-sight velocities, and a Hubble Space Telescope-based catalog containing proper motion measurements and precise 7-band photometry for around 1.4 million individual stars.

The combined catalogs are already enabling a wide range of science projects, including studies of the cluster’s metallicity distribution, its multiple populations, its age-metallicity relation, and its central intermediate-mass black hole.


Principal Investigators

Students and postdocs leading projects

In addition, a wide network of collaborators is actively contributing to the success of the project including:

Mayte Alfaro-Cuello (Univ. Central de Chile), Jay Anderson (STScI), Andrea Bellini (STScI), Aaron Dotter (Dartmouth), Stefan Dreizler (Göttingen), Anja Feldmeier-Krause (Vienna), Nikolay Kacharov (AIP Potsdam), Sebastian Kamann (Liverpool), Marilyn Latour (Göttingen), Mattia Libralato (INAF Padova), Antonino Milone (Univ. Padova), Renuka Pechetti (Liverpool), Glenn van de Ven (Vienna), Karina Voggel (Strassburg)

Data Access

The main catalogs created in this project are publicly available:

MUSE Spectroscopic Catalog:

Download from IOP

HST Astro-Photometric Catalog:

Download from Zenodo


Last Update: Jan 12th 2025 by M. Häberle